Home > Microfilm Processors
Microfilm Processors
Microfilm processors take exposed microfilm and completely develop the film so that it can be used on microfilm reader, printers and scanners. We offer both new and used microfilm processors so please call if you have any questions or need assistance in determining which microfilm processor would be the best fit for your particular application.
List Price: $79,990.00
Your Price: $68,500.00
New Kodak Prostar II Microfilm Processor for 16mm & 35mm Roll Film. USA 120VAC Version
List Price: $1,295.00
Your Price: $975.00
New Densitometer for the testing of various Microforms (Microfilm, Microfiche, Aperture Cards) density from 0.0 to 4.0 CAL density value
Click the Micro-Image Capture icon above for info on these compact and affordable scanners!
We offer Non-profit, public sector, military & re-seller discounts, call for details! 866-754-8885
Microfilmworld.com creates microfiche and
provides Micro-Image Capture 9 for a scene in episode 5 of ABC's "The Company You Keep"
Microfilmworld.com creates microfilm for scene in motion picture by Robert Redford, "Old Man & The Gun"