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Q1. Do you Have Source or COM Microfiche / Microfilm?

Look at the images on the Fiche/Film

Source images are taller than they arewide. COM images are wider than they are tall. 

* It is important to know the image orientation because some microfilm printers and scanners have screens oriented to capture either source or com. images Prism lenses can be added to many models in order to provide the image rotation neccessary for proper veiwing and printing.

Q2. What magnification is required to bring my microfilmed images back to original size?

* Your microfilmed images were reduces by a factor when originally filmed. Common reduction factors are 19X, 24X, 29X, 42X and 48X. In order for view, capture and print your images back to full size, the lens magnification factor needs to be determined.

Below is a Lens Chart that will help you determine the proper magnification lens you need to view  your Microfiche.

Count how many images are going across one row of your fiche, then how many going down one column, use a fiche that is full of images with no empty spaces.  See the chart below to find your required lens size.

If there is no match or you have Jacketed Microfiche, 16mm Roll Film, 35mm Roll Film or Aperture Cards, use our Lens Finder Template at the bottom of this page.

Microfiche Lens Chart

Image Orientation

 Images Across one row

 Images Down one Column

 Required Lens Size

Source 12 6 20x
Source 12 5 20x
Source 14 7 24x
Source 25 13 42x
Source 28 16 48x
Com 9 7 24x
Com 16 14 42x
Com 16 13 42x
Com 18 15 48x
Com 18 16 48x
Com 30 23 72x

 * This chart applies to standard 4x6 microfiche not Jacketed Film! If you have a 2, 4 or 5 channel jacketed fiche, click the lens finder template below.

To find the right lens foryour 16mm / 35mm Roll Film, Cartridges, Microfiche Jackets or Aperture Cards, click the link below:

Lenses Index   << Click icon to download Lens Magnification Guide Chart. Print out then match your film images to find magnification.

* If you are not sure what lens magnification you need, call us prior to placing an equipment order.

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Click the Micro-Image Capture icon above for info on these compact and affordable scanners!

We offer Non-profit,  public sector, military & re-seller discounts, call for details! 866-754-8885 creates microfiche and
provides Micro-Image Capture 9 for a scene in episode 5 of  ABC's "The Company You Keep" creates microfilm for scene in motion picture by Robert Redford, "Old Man & The Gun"