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Home > Film & Fiche Scanners
Film & Fiche Scanners
Microfilm, Microfiche and Aperture Card Reader Scanners are designed to view and scan microforms. These units are equipped with interface cables, drivers and software that will allow you to send the images to your PC for viewing & printing.
Please call if you have any questions or need assistance in determining which microfilm or microfiche reader scanner will meet your requirements.
List Price: $4,795.00
Your Price: $4,275.00
Micro-Image Capture 9 digital microfiche / microfilm reader scanner, 18MP USB2/USB3 connectivity, Windows 7/8/10/11. Includes new 2024 high production software with auto image detect, crop and de-skew, direct PDF capture & Print.
List Price: $3,495.00
Your Price: $3,275.00
The Micro-Image Capture 7 is the latest in digital microfilm and microfiche image capture technology. 10MP high resolution optics and electronics allows for full-size on screen viewing, digital capture and output to network printer. 1 Year Warranty.
Micro-Image Capture 8 Aperture Card & 16/35mm Image Reader-Scanner w/ HD Imager, 7-54X Lens, Fiche/AP Card Carrier, Foot-switch & Software. 1 Year Factory Warranty. Windows 7/8/10 ready.( * Replaced by the Micro-Image Capture 9 *)
List Price: $11,425.00
Your Price: $3,695.00
Pre-Owned Minolta MS-7000 MKii USB Microform Scanner w/ twain drivers and Minolta scanning utility. Windows XP/7/8/10/11. Includes UC-2 Motorized Universal Roll and Fiche Carrier plus a choice of 9-16X, 13-27X, or 20-50X zoom lenses. 6 Month Warranty.
List Price: $5,295.00
Your Price: $4,975.00
Micro-Image Capture 7M Motorized Microfilm Reader Scanner 10MP USB 2.0 w/ 7-54X lens, Universal Motorized 16/35mm Roll Film w/ Fiche Carrier, Software, Foot-switch, Cables & Instructions. 1 Yr. Warranty.
Micro-Image Capture 8M Microfiche/Aperture Card Reader-Scanner w/ Motorized 16/35mm Roll Film Carrier. Windows 7/8/10 ready. (* Replaced by the Micro-Image Capture 9 *)
List Price: $10,875.00
Your Price: $9,495.00
Alos Z-Scan 47 Microform Scanner / Minolta MS-7000
* the Z-47 is equivalent to the Minolta MS-7000
List Price: $6,875.00
Your Price: $6,200.00
New Minolta MS6000 MKii Digital Microfilm Reader Printer-Scanner (aka Alos Z-46 & Kodak DSV 2400)
List Price: $7,895.00
Your Price: $3,295.00
Pre-Owned Minolta MS-6000 Microfilm Reader-Scanner w/ Dell PC System, Scanning software, a complete turn-key solution or configure with laser printer for stand alone solution.
List Price: $8,045.00
Your Price: $3,295.00
Pre-owned, Low Usage Minolta MS6000 MKii Microfilm Reader-Scanner / Printer, USB interface for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 32 or 64b/
List Price: $2,695.00
Your Price: $1,975.00
Upgrade your Image Mouse Plus System with a high quality, high resolution 18MP capture head featuring 7- 54X optical zoom, usb 2.0 technology, Windows 7/8/10/11 and MAC compatibility and more than a 300% image quality improvement!
NEW Sunrise Apollo 3 in 1 Scanner w/ ScanFlo Premier, W7, LED Light Source. Configure and choose Film Module. 1 Yr. Warranty.
List Price: $45,000.00
Your Price: Freight cost is $400 flat rate in the U.S.A.
Sunrise Imaging SpeedScan Microform Scanner
List Price: $60,000.00
Your Price: Freight cost is $400 flat rate in the U.S.A.
Sunrise Imaging TurboScan Microform Scanner
List Price: $3,295.00
Your Price: $2,970.00
The Micro-Image Capture 2 Digital Microform Viewer/Printer/Scanner, 19-48X, 1-second capture, Output to .tiff, .pdf, network printer & more. W7 & MAC OS compatible.
(Replaced by new and improved Micro-Image Capture 7)
List Price: $3,795.00
Your Price: $3,525.00
The Micro-Image Capture 5 Digital Microform Viewer/Printer/Scanner, 7-48X Zoom Lens, 1-second capture, Output to .tiff, .pdf, network printer & more. W7/W8 & MAC OS compatible. USB 2.0 I/F
* Replaced by new model > Micro-Image Capture 7
Click the Micro-Image Capture icon above for info on these compact and affordable scanners!
We offer Non-profit, public sector, military & re-seller discounts, call for details! 866-754-8885
Microfilmworld.com creates microfiche and
provides Micro-Image Capture 9 for a scene in episode 5 of ABC's "The Company You Keep"
Microfilmworld.com creates microfilm for scene in motion picture by Robert Redford, "Old Man & The Gun"