Book Scanners Book Scanners are specifically designed for capturing bound media, especially those that are delicate and require careful handling. These book scanners capture book images face up, protecting fragile pages and binding.
List Price: $11,975.00
Your Price: $7,850.00
Minolta PS5000C Color Publication Scanner, Pre-owned in excellent condition. Includes Drivers, Software & Foot switch.
List Price: $16,745.00
Your Price: $15,250.00
Minolta PS7000 Publication / Book Scanner
List Price: $15,739.00
Your Price: $8,795.00
Pre Owned - Minolta PS7000 Publication /Book Scanner w/ PC, Monitor, Software, Cables & Footswitch!
List Price: $979.00
Your Price: $898.00
Fujitsu SV600 Overhead Book / Publication Scanner
Click the Micro-Image Capture icon above for info on these compact and affordable scanners!
We offer Non-profit, public sector, military & re-seller discounts, call for details! 866-754-8885 creates microfiche and
provides Micro-Image Capture 9 for a scene in episode 5 of ABC's "The Company You Keep" creates microfilm for scene in motion picture by Robert Redford, "Old Man & The Gun"